Smart Tap

Field-tested, reliable, and 🏆 2023 World’s Best Beverage Technology Innovation Award Winner, our AI-powered Smart Taps are leading draft technology trusted by 2000+ bars, restaurants, and stadiums around the globe. Best part? It easily retrofits to your current draft system.

Make every pint perfect

Our Mission

Better pints, better keg yields, faster service, better margins… It's a win-win-win-win. Businesses using our Smart Taps see an average 23% increase in overall system efficiency, and it’s usually even more. Seriously.


Our Smart Taps maximize keg efficiency in three key ways. Draft beer is one of your most profitable products, and the impact on your bottom line is clear: We can boost your keg yield by up to 20% and empower your staff to pour great draft.

  • It pains us to see bartenders foaming away all your beer. Our patented technology will automatically throttle the pour of the beer flowing through the tap to account for temperature variation, minimizing foaming and maximizing the number of great pints you’re serving your customers.

  • Low Pressure. High Temperature. Empty kegs (and general keg levels), Line cleanings, and more. The taps are designed to seamlessly communicate potential issues so you can get ahead of them and keep the pints flowing perfectly.

  • With Pubinno, you and your staff can pour multiple beers at the touch of a button, so you get fresh pints in your customer’s hands faster, increasing rate of sale, check averages, and decreasing wait times significantly.


Be a proactive business owner. Quality beer is the single biggest factor affecting draft sales around the world. Clean, fresh, consistent pints sell faster, and our technology keeps you on top of your draft operations.

  • Temperature management is always the #1 issue with draft beer operations, and our Smart Taps make it easy to stay on top of any fluctuations or changes in your system. Get automatically notified of any/all temperature issues, and monitor all your stats on the Pubinno Pro App in real-time, so you’re always pouring and serving at top efficiency.

  • Your smart tap automatically notify you of any pressure issues, so you can get ahead of the problem and fix it quickly. They also account for variations in pressure by automatically increasing or decreasing the flow of beer to minimize waste.

  • A perfect crown of foam on a fresh, clean pint of beer. Your customers deserve the best. Our Smart Taps streamline your service model and make sure more perfect pints go over the bar, increasing your rate of sale on your entire draft operation.


All of your draft operations, in real-time, available at your fingertips on the Pubinno Pro App. Real-time data on sales, brand-based insights, and the system info you need to pour perfect draft beer, including temperature, pressure, and keg freshness within your draft system.

  • Get automatically notified when your taps are being used outside of business hours, which is a major area of inventory shrinkage for businesses. High temperature, low pressure, and low keg level alerts right in the palm of your hand. Get notified in real-time so you can address the issues quickly and keep your system pouring efficiently and profitably.

  • What are your top sellers by brand or style? What times of day do they sell best? How efficiently are you pouring? Dozens of data points on draft operations available on our Smart Hub.

  • What can you do to improve your overall operation? Our Smart Hub offers insights into your business, offering tips, tricks, and suggestions to improve your draft operations without compromising on your customer experience.

Customer Success Stories

Smithfield Hall

Manhattan, NY

Smithfield Hall is one of NYC’s premier sports bars, and home to some of the most passionate soccer fans in the country. Draft beer is a massive part of their business, and Pubinno’s Smart System has vastly increased their speed of service, efficiency, and profitability

The Stag’s Head

Manhattan, NY

One of NYC’s premier craft beer bars, The Stag’s Head’s main focus is local, fresh beer. Our Smart Taps helped increase keg yield and speed of service on some of their most expensive lines, increasing profitability and decreasing customer wait times and staff frustration.

Smart Clean

Smart Hub